Chapter 3

1 Remind them to follow rulers and authorities, to listen to leaders, and to be prepared for all good actions.
2 Don’t say bad things about anyone, avoid fighting, be kind, and show humbleness to everyone.
3 We were once foolish, disobedient, misled, chasing many desires and pleasures, living with meanness and jealousy, full of hate, and hating each other.
4 But then God our Savior showed us kindness and love.
5 We are not saved by our good deeds, but by God’s kindness. He saved us by giving us a new birth and a fresh start through the Holy Spirit.
6 He gave to us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior.
7 Being made right with God by His kindness, we should become inheritors based on the hope of everlasting life.
8 This true saying I want you to always confirm: those who trust in God should work hard to do good. These actions are good and helpful to people.
9 Stay away from silly questions, family histories, arguments, and fights about the law; they are useless and pointless.
10 Turn away from someone who keeps causing divisions after being warned once and then again.
11 Understand that someone like that has gone wrong, is sinning, and has judged himself guilty.
12 When I send Artemas or Tychicus to you, make sure to join me in Nicopolis, because I plan to stay there during the winter.
13 Take care to help Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their journey carefully, so they lack nothing.
14 Let ours also learn to do good deeds for important needs, so they are not unproductive.
15 Everyone with me says hello to you. Say hi to those who love us because of our shared faith. May kindness be with all of you. Goodbye.